Putting the Male in Maleo

I was a ubber fit athlete through the first half of the summer after my senior year of high school.  I got what I suspect was mono and was laid up for a month and never looked back. I gained 50 pounds through college the old fashioned way- eating pizzas at midnight and drinking to much beer.  When I was applying to medical school a few years after college I knew something had to change.

I had already quit the beer, I started running again, stopped eating pizza at midnight. Really never counted calories or tried that hard beyond eating to appetite and exercise.  Weight came off. I dabbled in triathalon (competed in the national collegiate triathalon championships during medical school), raced bicycles, and a bunch of half marathons.  Eventually I settled in my current job as a family physician in  rural Southern Idaho and had our first child.

I again briefly dabbled in being sedentary and fell out of shape over a two year period.  I realized what was happening. I realized I was using food (desserts) for stress management and changed things.

Now I focus on weight lifting, functional strength, movement, and martial arts.  I play “chase” with my 3 year old….like all day.  I think about my health and the health of my patients in a new way in part because of the message of body acceptance and eliminating food vilification over at gokaleo.com.  I created this stalker site to put my own thoughts on health, diet and exercise down on “paper”.


4 thoughts on “Putting the Male in Maleo

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